A piece of a galaxy far, far away to your home

We create cinematic-looking dioramas to bring a piece of a Galaxy far, far away into the homes of all Star Wars fans: perfect for photographing and displaying the action figures of the most loved Star Wars characters.

A piece of a galaxy far, far away to your home

We create cinematic-looking dioramas to bring a piece of a Galaxy far, far away into the homes of all Star Wars fans: perfect for photographing and displaying the action figures of the most loved Star Wars characters.

Do you want a Star Wars diorama painted by us?

Submit your request specifying the diorama scale (either 1:12 or 1:6), the desired dimensions, and the Star Wars location you prefer, attaching some reference images. We will send you a quote to receive a cinematographic-looking Star Wars diorama painted by us at your home, perfect for displaying your action figures or recreating your favorite movie scenes. Or even those scenes you wish you had seen!

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Get your FREE Kit!

Subscribe to our newsletter and download our FREE Star Wars STL file kit, complete with everything a fan from a galaxy far, far away needs, ready to be printed and used to create your diorama!
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