The fusion generator supply tank served as a device for energy generation and storage, employing standard fusion technology. Its primary role was to provide starships with the necessary energy for hyperspace travel, strategically installed by the Empire in facilities to empower the Imperial Starfleet with sub-light and hyperspace jump capabilities.Frequently used on challenging planets like Tatooine, the Lars family incorporated several of these tanks on their farm. An ideal accessory for crafting dioramas inspired by cities such as Mos Eisley and Mos Pelgo, or for recreating the dynamic setting of the Lars farm. Our fusion generator supply tank STL file features intricately detailed panels, suitable for 3D printing and attachment onto a central body. The interchangeable panels offer versatility, allowing the creation of various fusion generator supply tank versions.
The files are standard at 6 inches (1:12), but they can be easily scaled to 3.75 inches (1:18) and 12 inches (1:6). Here are the percentages for enlarging/reducing the files:
• 1:12 Scale – 100%
• 1:18 Scale – 66.6%
• 1:6 Scale – 200%
ATTENTION: you are purchasing the STL files for 3D printing that you will print independently and not the physical model of the diorama printed by us. If you would like the diorama to be printed by us, please email us your request without purchasing the STL file first. Before purchasing, check the maximum print size of your 3D printer. All our STL files are tested and printed with a Creality Ender 3 S1 printer with a print size of 220 x 220 x 270 mm. If you do not pay attention to the above and still proceed with the purchase of the STL files, there are no refunds.